Markus goes big-bang-London. Ever wondered why on earth a guy from the heart of Switzerland would want to leave the pristine beauty of Helvetia and move to dirty, noisy and upmarket London? Find out...

Monday, May 29, 2006

anything goes in, anything goes out

My cousin just left an hour ago. She stayed in my flat for a couple of days. We did rather a lot of cheerful sightseeing together, but she also had time on her own to browse through London. It goes without saying that I didn't allow her to go to Madame Tussaud's, as this would have meant cutting her out of my will. Blood is thicker than water, fair enough. But some things are just unacceptable.

To all you out there who consider going to Madame Tussaud's at some point in your lives. If you want to pay a fortune to see bloody wax figures - ranging from Henry VIII to Britney Spears - some of them really poorly done, queue for about 2 hours (if you're lucky), be surronded by sweating, cursing and pushing tourists, then this is the place for you. Otherwise, don't even think about going there. It's a rip-off.

Rather, go to Tate Modern instead. It's free, it's breathtaking, it's culture. And: No queues.

Last but not least, I have the pleasure to announce that we have a new housemate. About one foot long, furry, not cuddly, sneaky. It's what zoologists call Rattus rattus, a fully grown rat. It went for the poisonous bait. We don't know if the rat kicked the bucket yet, but it might be rotting behind the oven now.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Fish & Chips

It’s now already more than a month since I arrived on the island. I have successfully warded off any attempts of friends and collegues to make me eat fish & chips, I have victoriously managed to get an interview for a National Insurance Number (NIN), I have established the first contact to an unknown species called aristocracy, and I am about to mesh into British lifestyle (with some noteworthy exceptions, of course).

What bothers me most is, however, that I’m still waiting for an invitation to Buckingham Palace. All my attempts of catching HM the Queen’s attention have failed so far. Whatever happened to the famous British politeness?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Looney Bunnies

Nearly 1,900 bunny hoppers — dressed completely in the part — hopped to hop their way into the record books with their simultaneous jumping recently. During the afternoon, 1,880 people joined in Lake Geneva's second attempt to hop for five minutes straight and claim the World's Longest Bunny Hop.

Organisers are hopeful that their latest attempt will break the current record of 1,501 participants jumping together in 2002 in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, U.S., according to the Guinness Book of World's Records. "I am so excited," said organiser Kathy Fraser. "I just knew we could do it, and it just looked like we had more people than last year, right from the beginning."

Über den Wolken ...

There have been some adventurous purchases made on eBay, but a Chinese man who has bought a MiG fighter takes the cake.

Zhang Cheng put in the winning bid of $24,730 but is now unsure about how to get the still operational jet into China - or if it will be allowed. "I like to collect valuable items," said the hopeful Zhang. "I have the buying power and my company has an empty space where I can display the plane," he told the Beijing News.

A Chinese company recently went bankrupt after it unsuccessfully tried to run the retired Soviet aircraft carrier Minsk as a floating amusement park in Shenzhen.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Liquid sunshine

Liquid sunshine? No, we haven't had much so far. The weather has been fine, despite all the nasty comments I received when I left Switzerland.
In fact, I haven't used my umbrella so far. Fair enough, it was quite cold a couple of days ago, which, however, is largely due to the quality (or lack thereof) of British housing.

Totally useless fact: Did you know that London has actually less rainfall than Rome?

Apparently, it does. Touch wood.

Hence, jokes like these are absolutely inappropriate (but they're funny nevertheless):
- Hi, did you have a good Summer in England?
- Yes indeed, we had a great picnic that afternoon...

However, talking about the weather is a sign of utter mastery of the English language:
This morning, I was walking outside, when suddenly a big shower fell on me!